What care should children receive if they have suffered a concussion?
Traumatic brain injuries can impact people of all ages. Each year, over 2.8 million people suffer from traumatic brain injuries or TBIs, according to CDC data. Many of these victims are children. Children suffer head injuries due to car accidents, falls, sports injuries, and even acts of violence. While a brain injury can be dangerous no matter the age of the victim, children are especially vulnerable. The young brains of children are still developing, making them susceptible to serious injuries when they experience a blow to the head. Now, the CDC has provided funding to researchers at Emory University School of Medicine, with the goal of aiding children in their recovery from brain injuries.
The Emory University School of Medicine Study
The CDC has provided researchers and clinical providers at Emory University School of Medicine with a grant for $550,000 to study and further develop the school’s TBI Evaluation and Management Toolkit. The kit is intended to aid clinicians in more accurately diagnosing and treating children with traumatic brain injuries. Each year, about 640,000 children under the age of 14 head to the emergency room with suspected traumatic brain injuries. Most of these injuries are classified as concussions or mild TBIs.
While concussions are often thought of as a minor injury, they can in fact be quite serious in children. Concussions can have both short and long term consequences for children, which can be reduced through proper diagnosis and treatment. At present, many hospital facilities lack a researched and consistent means of dealing with children with head injuries. Varying treatments between facilities could lead to some children not receiving the care they need. The hope of the CDC funded study is that a well-researched tool kit could be provided to hospitals, where doctors could then implement the steps needed to provide quality concussion care.
If you are a parent whose child has suffered a TBI, you will need to make sure you advocate for your child. Be aware of the importance of identifying the TBI and the critical nature of ensuring your child does not experience a repeat concussion. If your child was injured due to the negligence of someone else, such as in a car accident, fall, or sports accident, contact a brain injury attorney for assistance.
Posted in: Brain Injuries