What are my legal rights if I am injured in a construction related accident?
A tragic accident leads to one fatality on the job site of the new Presbyterian Hospital located in Santa Fe. The accident remains under investigation and details are sparse. What the public has thus far been told is that the accident occurred in the morning hours. Fire department responders arrived to discover an injured worker laying on the ground. The deceased had apparently been hit by a spool of wire and died in the hospital after being transported by ambulance. This tragic New Mexico construction accident illustrates the potential dangers faced by construction workers nationwide.
Construction Accident Facts
Construction is a notoriously dangerous industry. In 2016 alone, 4,693 construction workers were killed on the job. This equates to over 21 percent of all fatal workplace accidents. Every week, over 85 construction workers will die on the jobsite. In addition to fatalities, thousands of construction workers are injured while at work, sometimes seriously. Construction workers have been known to sustain broken bones, head trauma, severed limbs, crush injuries, electrical injuries, and much more.
The Fatal Four
The vast majority of all fatal construction accidents involve one of the following:
- Falls: Nearly 40 percent of all deadly construction accidents happen due to falls. Construction workers will commonly fall from scaffolds or ladders. Falls can be prevented with fall equipment tools and proper training.
- Struck by object: With so many objects being raised in the air, construction workers are at considerable risk of items falling on them. Struck by object accidents can occur when any sort of construction tools or machinery falls off a scaffold, ladder, building, or other raised area.
- Electrocutions: Working around wires can lead to electrocutions and electrical injuries. To prevent electrocutions, construction workers must be well trained in the dangers of working near electricity.
- Caught in or between: Lastly, construction deaths can occur when workers are caught in or between pieces of large machinery. This could include being crushed by falling objects or buildings.
If you have been injured while working on a construction site, you should notify your supervisor or another appropriate party and seek medical treatment right away. Construction workers will generally be eligible to receive workers’ compensation benefits, which may include coverage for your medical expenses and a portion of your lost wages. At times, an injured construction worker can file a personal injury claim against the negligent party that caused their injury. Contact a construction accident attorney right away for assistance with your accident related claim.
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