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5 Steps to Take if You Are Injured by an Uninsured Motorist in New Mexico
Michael Jasso

The ability to drive places can be of great convenience. However, it can also result in harm when accidents occur. That’s why New Mexico requires that all drivers obtain a minimum amount of auto insurance. But despite this requirement and the consequences that accompany a failure to comply, many people still don’t obtain the minimum insurance. Generally speaking, the individual who is liable for the accident is also liable for the damages they caused. However, if this individual doesn’t have insurance, it can change things. Here are 5 things to do if you’re hit by an uninsured motorist in New Mexico.

Call 9-1-1- and report the accident to the police.

In New Mexico, you must report the collision to the police if you were unable to exchange details at the scene, if anyone was injured, or if you suspect that the other person may have committed a driving offense. Regardless of these requirements, it’s important to call the police as soon as possible if you find that the other driver doesn’t have auto insurance. 

Calling the police helps to prevent the other driver from providing you with false information and it creates a record of the accident. It can also help to hold the at-fault driver responsible so that he or she is unable to become involved in the same situation with someone else.  

Collect driver and witness information.

Once you have dialed 9-1-1- you should collect contact information from the at-fault driver. Relevant contact information includes their name, phone number, address, license plate number, and insurance information. If the at-fault driver was on the clock for work at the time of the accident, you should also obtain his or her company information. It’s also in your best interest to collect the names and contact information of any witnesses to the accident. 

Seek immediate medical attention. 

When you have been involved in an accident, you should seek immediate medical attention – especially if you have obvious injuries, but even if you don’t. While you may feel perfectly fine, many internal injuries can take days or even weeks to show up. But by seeking immediate medical attention, a physician can perform a barrage of medical tests to determine if there are any unknown injuries. Seeking immediate medical attention can also help to lessen the odds for long-term prognosis and can help to support a claim to your insurance company.

Call your insurance company as soon as possible. 

When the at-fault driver is uninsured, you obviously can’t call their insurance company as they don’t have one. Therefore, it’s important to file a claim with your own insurance company – even if you weren’t at fault. Your insurance company can confirm whether you have uninsured (UM) (or underinsured (UIM) motorist coverage, which you should since it is mandatory in New Mexico. 

Per NMSA 66-5-215, all New Mexico residents should have a minimum amount of coverage for bodily injury: $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident. They should also have a minimum amount of coverage for property damage: $10,000 per accident. However, you are always welcome to purchase more than the minimum amount of this insurance. The good news is that if you have UI/UIM coverage, your claim will probably be covered. 

Contact a qualified New Mexico personal injury attorney.

If you have been in a car accident with an uninsured driver and do not have UI/UIM insurance, or if your insurance company denies your claim for any reason, it’s in your best interest to contact a qualified New Mexico personal injury attorney. He or she can explain your options and will work to help you receive compensation. 

MPJ Law Firm Can Help Those in NM Who Have Been Injured by an Uninsured Driver

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident, it can greatly impact your life. It can be difficult enough to deal with your injuries, but it can be even harder when you the at-fault driver lack insurance. You should never have to pay the price for someone else’s mistakes. 

At MPJ Law Firm, we have a deep understanding of car accidents and understand the effects that such accidents often have on just about all aspects of your life. We will always act in your best interest. To learn more or to schedule a free consultation, contact us today!

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